Third-Party Tools Used in ASU Online Courses
Over 100 third-party tools and services are used by faculty and students in ASU Online courses. With the 50+ companies indicated here in bold, ASU Online has established a connection with a vendor representative. These relationships provide ASU Online with opportunities to create true partnerships.
Collaborative partnerships are formed in order to explore ways to use the technology to improve online teaching and learning experiences. In some cases ASU Online Instructional Design and Technologists are actively working with our partners to guide product development.

Assessment | |
BibMe | The fully automatic bibliography maker that auto-fills to build a works cited page (APA or MLA format). |
Blubbr Tv | Gamification and socialization of course content via quiz in video that score the answer with points. Scores can be shared via Twitter and Facebook. |
Camtasia Studio | Full featured screen recording and video editing. |
Crocodoc | Markup and share online documents. |
Digication | Manage student writing portfolios |
Final Draft | Screenwriting software with templates for screenplays, teleplays and stage plays |
Grademark | Markup and evaluate proficiency for writing assignments. |
HapYak | Interactive video authoring and publishing. | | Code quality review for detecting problems in JavaScript programs. |
Mindomo | Mind map creation tool |
Pearson Writer | Mobile application for writing and research support. |
Plotagon | Offers the ability to make a movie by writing a story. Students write a script and the software generates a movie. |
Quizlet | Create free, embeddable flash cards and simple games (matching, scattergrams, etc.) |
Respondus | Exam creation tool designed to be compatible with Blackboard, Ecollege and WebCT. |
Voicethread | Create interactive online discussions and lectures using video, audio, text, slides and documents. |
WebAssign | Online content and text support. |
YouSeeU | Asynchronous video presentation and discussion platform. |
Collaboration | |
Adobe Connect | Host synchronous online meetings, demonstrations and lectures. |
Appearin | Video conferencing software that allows screensharing. |
Bb Collaborate | Host synchronous online meetings, demonstrations and lectures. |
Camtasia Relay | Capture and deliver desktop screen and video capture content. | | Free online tools to 1) organize students into teams for collaborative work based on identified demographic information and 2) provide a mechanism for students to provide peer feedback on individuals’ contributions to the group. |
Google+ Communities | Create groups for specific course and enable students to engage with one another and the instructor. |
Google+ Hangouts | Video conferencing tool that allows users to include Google apps, photos, emoji, and even group video calls for free. Connect with instructor and students across computers, Android and Apple devices. |
OpenStudy | Manage web-based social environments for course-related questions and study groups. |
PeerMark | Facilitate peer review so students can evaluate each other’s work. |
Skype | Voice-over-IP service and instant messaging client for calls, conferences and messages. |
StudyBlue | Allows students to learn from otder students by making their own, or borrowing others’ study materials. Flashcards, quizzes, and progress tracking. |
StudyRoom | Course-based study tool facilitating sharing, studying and collaborating with classmates. |
TweetChat | Chat using a Twitter-based format. |
Vidyo | Desktop video conferencing and screen share collaboration. |
Wikispaces | Shared web-based writing and communication spaces. |
Content | |
3Play Interactive Video Player | Video plugin that includes synchronized transcripts and search features. |
Adobe Captivate | Interactive eLearning content creation. |
Adobe Creative Cloud | Host synchronous online meetings, demonstrations and lectures. |
Adobe Presenter | Create Flash-based PowerPoint presentation and eLearning content for web delivery. |
Animoto | Create and share videos. the online video maker turns photos, video clips and music into video. |
Apple iAutdor | Author Apple iBooks. |
ApprenNet | Video-based tool where students watch a real-world scenario, respond via video, review their peers, read expert feedback then view an expert response. |
Aptana | Web application development platform. |
Articulate Storyline | Used in CE projects to make interactive exercises and build out entire courses that are placed in the LMS (Blackboard) |
Audacity | Free audio editing software. |
AudioPal | Record and deliver web-based audio content. |
Blogger | Blogging platform for instructor and student writing. |
Camtasia Fuse | Create web video clips on the iPad. | | Learning Management System hosted on the Canvas Network continuing education platform. |
Dropbox | Cloud-based file storage and sharing. |
Drupal | Open source web content management system; facilitates public engagement with learning community |
Equella | Store course resources in digital repositories. |
FastFig | Calculator + word processor for math/engineering. |
Google Drive | Cloud-based file storage and sharing. |
Google Sites | Create websites and secure course wikis. |
Haiku Deck | Web-based slideshow authoring tool. | | Create interactive infographics. |
ASU Instagram feed integrated into course weekly modules for purpose of engaging students in University activities. | |
Jing | Tool used to create 5 minute audio & visual screencast videos/recordings |
Kaltura | Record and deliver web-based audio content. |
Kno | Distribute and create interactive eTextbooks for mobile and web access. |
Late Nite Labs | Interactive digital lab component used to simulate Chemistry lab experiences. | | Web content curation tool for creating and sharing lessons. |
Logisim | Educational tool for designing and simulating digital logic circuits. | | Online tutorials for technologies (Photoshop, Dreamweaver) |
Mastering Chemistry | Interactive chemistry tutorials and assignments with a grade feature that integrates into LearningStudio |
Mastering Physics | Interactive physics tutorials and assignments with a grade feature that integrates into LearningStudio |
McGraw-Hill Connect | Digital online environment to support McGraw-Hill texts, provides practice problems, online tests & quizzes, as well as interactive and multi-media resources. |
MentorMob | Organize video, articles, or websites into embeddable play-lists. |
MightyBell | An alternate platform for discussion, collaboration, and social sharing. |
MixBit | Web-based video creation and sharing tool. | | Online white-board tool for organizing and sharing ideas. |
MyEconLab | LearningStudio integrated online lab content from Pearson publishing. |
MyITLab | LearningStudio integrated online lab content from Pearson publishing. |
MyStatLab | LearningStudio integrated online lab content from Pearson publishing. |
Padlet | Create and share online bulletin boards. | | Create and deliver online newspapers. |
Piktochart | Create infograms used in courses |
Podsnack | Custom HTML 5 audio players. | | Evernote powered blogging platform. |
PowToon | Animated movie software. Used to create engaging presentations. | | Online presentation tool. |
Prezi | Create web-based presentations with a zoomable canvas. |
Quicktime | Web video player and editing software. |
Readlists | Create and share web pages—articles, recipes, course materials —bundled into an e-book. | | Create online magazines with curated web content. |
Screencast-o-matic | Record web-delivered screencasts. |
Screenflow | Record and edit screencasts. |
Screenr | Record web-delivered screencasts. |
SoundCloud | Record and share web-based audio content. |
Sparkol VideoScribe | Animation creation tool used to create short topic/course overview videos. |
Swank Motion Pictures | License broker for full length movies and television shows. |
Vimeo | Host web video content for online and blended courses. | | Create, share and view online visual content (graphics, videos, interactive activities, presentations). |
Wistia | Video hosting, serving, and management platform. |
WordPress | Web-based software for creating websites and blogs. |
YouTube | Distribute original video content. |
YouTube Capture | Mobile app for creating and sharing videos. |
Zaption | Interactive video authoring and publishing. |
Interaction | | | Social media course: social identity/reputation | | Share files online. Convert and embed files in online courses. |
Celtx | Create scripts, storyboards, breakdowns, schedules, budgets, and cast & crew reports for video productions. |
Citable | Citable is a web clipper that simplifies collecting quotes, notes and otder data points along with the additional reference information needed to make a web citation. |
CritViz | Online framework for supporting real-time critique, conversation, and peer ranking of creative work in the classroom. |
Social utility that is used to connect instructor/students via private groups for learning community and engagement in classroom discussions and send/receive course notifications. | |
FourSquare | Geolocation app for mobile devices. |
Google Calendar | Provide a course calendar with assignment due dates. Students can subscribe to each calendar to receive alerts and have access on their mobile phones. |
Google Glass | Wearable computer with an optical head-mounted display. |
Kwiksurveys | Allows the creation of free, custom surveys or real-time polls with analytics , ability to restrict multiple responses, and no limit to the number of participants. |
Piazza | Facilitate problem solving sessions and general course discussions. |
Used in Social Media course. Discussion about how organizations use Pinterest. | |
Pixxa Perspective | iPad app for creating and sharing audiovisual stories. |
Poll Everywhere | Real-time poll software. Live instant audience feedback. Free account allows 40 responses. |
PollDaddy | Real-time poll software that embeds in Blackboard, offers analytics, and the ability to include pictures or sound files with the poll. |
Remind101 | Twitter for the K-12 group. |
Skitch | Capture, edit and markup screen captures and images with shapes and comments. |
SurveyMonkey | Online surveys. |
tdinglink | Image tagging and linking tool for creating interactive image channels. |
Integrated into course for purpose of student and instructor Q & A. ASU Online Twitter feed integrated into weekly course modules for the purpose of connecting students to ASU. | | | Tool for synchronizing text notes with video. |
YouTube My WebCam | Browser based web cam recording for timely video messages. |
Personalized Learning | |
Cerego | Adaptive learning courses covering topics such as art history, statistics, the periodic table, and computer shortcuts. the courses are like interactive flashcards, and users can add their own content. |
Chegg Study | 24/7 study help including guided solutions of problems in the associated course textbook. |
Knewton | Include online, self-paced adaptive learning content. |
Identity Verification | |
Acxiom | Add another layer of identity verification with online exams based on challenge questions. |
Bio-Sig ID | Digital signature identity verification for online exams. |
KeyTrac | Identification verification by typing. |
ProctorU | Live remote proctoring for online exams. |
Respondus ExamGuard | Lockdown web browser that prevents web surfing during exams. |
Software Secure | Video review proctoring for online exams. |
Turnitin | Check the originality of course writing assignments. |
vProctor | Live remote proctoring for online exams. |