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Course Stories, Season 6, Episode 1: MCO 375: Pod-ception!
Course Stories, Season 6, Episode 1: MCO 375: Pod-ception! Join us this week as we bring you a podcast about… podcasting! It’s a pod-ception! We sit down with Roddy Nikpour, Assistant Teaching Professor, and DeAnna Soth, Director of Instructional Design, to discuss how they took podcasting from the […]Insight Surveys: From day one, foster personal connections, belonging and student success
As online educators, we know the importance of building an inclusive and supportive learning environment. While it’s easy to focus on course design, content delivery, and grading strategies, creating a space where students feel heard and supported is equally essential. One way to achieve this is by […]Using Video to Engage and Inform: Formal and Informal Media Types in Online Courses
By Christine Moore, Aubrey Holland, and Robert Behnke Media, both formal and informal, plays a crucial role in modern education. The prevalence of platforms like YouTube, the second largest search engine, and TikTok, used by 26% of U.S. adults under 30 for news, underscores the dominance of video […]Course Stories, Season 5, Episode 5: What Do you Meme? The Story of TWC301
Course Stories, Season 5, Episode 5: What Do you Meme? The Story of TWC301 In this insightful episode, Michael Miller sits down with Bonnie Chapman to delve into the innovative teaching approaches of TWC 301: Foundations of Writing for Digital Media. Bonnie chats about their unique strategy of […]Course Stories, Season 5, Episode 4: From Professing to Connecting: Authentic Engagement in CIS 105
Course Stories, Season 5, Episode 4: From Professing to Connecting: Authentic Engagement in CIS 105 Join the Course Stories team as Student Success and Retention Specialist, Michaela Owen, and Instructional Designer, Katrina Vollmer, sit down with the myth, the legend, Jonathan Davis, CIS 105 […]
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Course Stories podcast
In this podcast, we tell an array of course design stories alongside other ASU Online designers and faculty.