The Best Online Faculty
The instructional design and development team in ASU Online currently provides support for over 1,000 online courses in over 100 fully online programs. The faculty who design and deliver the online courses are key to the success of the course build projects and the quality of the student learning experiences. In order to find out more about the best online faculty, we asked a group of about 65 online course design and development support staff from across Arizona State University to list some of the characteristics of their top faculty.
Here’s what we learned.

Illustration by Geremy Cites
Believe – They believe in the value of online teaching and learning.
Empathetic – They’re empathetic to the needs of online students.
Open – They’re open to new ideas and approaches to course design and delivery.
Available – They’re regularly available to design, develop and teach their courses.
Organized – They’re organized and systematic in their approach to course design and delivery.
Responsive – They’re timely when communicating with course design collaborators and students.
Clear – They provide clear, concise and consistent communication with course design collaborators and students.
Tech-savvy – They’re comfortable and confident using online teaching technologies.
Collaborative – They support collaborative approaches to course design and development.
Committed – They’re committed to improving access to higher education and fostering student success.