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Teaching in the Time of COVID: What Makes a Difference?

Session Overview

This video was part of the July 2020 REMOTE: The Connected Faculty Summit

College students’ satisfaction with their courses dropped sharply after the move to all-online courses during the COVID-19 pandemic. Students struggled to stay motivated and missed getting instructor feedback and collaborating with their fellow students. Still, most students did not attribute their struggles to poor instructor preparation or inherent limitations of online learning. Moreover, online courses that used a larger array of the practices to be described in this talk had much higher student satisfaction levels than the courses that used fewer of them. These and other results are from Digital Promise’s national, random-sample survey of 1,008 college students whose course work moved from in-person to completely online this spring. Case studies with institutions working with the Every Learner Everywhere network further elucidate constructive steps faculty and institutions can take to redesign instruction to be more resilient in the event of potential future disruptions.


Barbra Means

Exec Director, Learning Sciences Research, Digital Promise

Barbara Means is studying the equity impacts of the shift to remote instruction because of COVID-19, with funding from the National Science Foundation and the Gates Foundation. Her other ongoing work includes supporting colleges and universities in implementing continuous improvement research on their efforts to incorporate learning technology in ways that enhance teaching and learning in high-enrollment gateway courses as part of Every Learner Everywhere. Dr. Means has advised the U.S. Department of Education on national educational technology plans and has authored or edited more than a half dozen books related to learning and technology.