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The Digitally Enhanced Connected University

Session Overview

This video was part of the June 2022 REMOTE: The Connected Faculty Summit

The ability to combine the physical and digital worlds to create a “phygital” reality that not only enhances the ability of higher education to reach and serve a larger population but also does it more effectively and efficiently, enabling knowledge to be taken to the learner rather than depending on geographical co-location of the learner and source of knowledge, is transformative. It shifts the definition, and focus, of campuses from one built on the concept of physical space to one that combines the best of physical and digital modalities, enabling the implementation of a truly connected campus – one where students and faculty, rather than physical infrastructure, are at the center and are linked through smart networks and platforms enabling a campus to now be defined by global connections and linkages.


Vistasp Karbhari

Professor | University of Texas Arlington

Dr. Karbhari is a Professor in the Department of Civil Engineering and the Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering at the University of Texas at Arlington.