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Leveraging Intersectional Data & Amplifying Underrepresented Student Voices to Drive Course & Program Design For Equitable Outcomes

Session Overview

This video was part of the June 2022 REMOTE: The Connected Faculty Summit

At ASU, teams of multidisciplinary faculty, staff, and students have used quantitative and qualitative research methods to engage and empower administrators, instructors, designers, and technologists to advance the development and implementation equitable learning experiences in key gateway courses and program experiences. Examples of initiatives in progress will illustrate the potential and challenges of equity-driven strategies to advance student success for all students.


Juliet Greenwood

Vice Dean for Educational Initiatives | Arizona State University
As the Vice Dean for Educational Initiatives, Dr. Greenwood works with the academic units at all ASU campuses, including deans, department chairs, faculty and staff to strengthen online programming and drive course development that transforms student learning experiences. In this role, Julie oversees Instructional Design and New Media, Learning Experience and Student Success, Adaptive and Personalized Learning, Assessment and Compliance, and the EdPlus Action Lab, leveraging data analytics and educational technology to improve and equalize degree completion. Julie received her Ph.D. from the Neuroscience Program at the University of Alabama at Birmingham and is Associate Professor in the School of Mathematical and Natural Sciences in New College at ASU.