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Green Skills: Preparing Learners for the Green Economy

Session Overview

This video was part of the June 2022 REMOTE: The Connected Faculty Summit

We are in the midst of a transition to a greener economy that will create new jobs (the International Labor Organization predicts 24 million by 2030) and impact existing ones. In response to these changes, it is important that learners develop the green skills needed to thrive in this changing economy.

 In this session, explore research-based ways to prepare your learners for this future by identifying key green skills and getting practical advice on how to teach and assess them.


Jessica Yarbro, PhD

Principal Research Scientist

| Pearson

Jessica Yarbro is a senior research scientist in Skills Research within the Learning Research and Design team at Pearson. Through empirical studies and synthesizing existing research, Jessica supports the development of knowledge and skills frameworks within Pearson products. Prior to joining Pearson, Jessica received her Ph.D. in clinical psychology from George Mason University. Jessica is particularly passionate about researching personal, social, and emotional capabilities with the aim of helping Pearson support student success in school, work, and life.