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Integrating Online Instructor Presence Within Active Learning Assessments

Session Overview

This video was part of the July 2020 REMOTE: The Connected Faculty Summit

See, hear, read, think, analyze, reflect, experience, and apply. Instructors want students to engage all of their available senses and modalities while learning in online courses. Instructors also want students to feel their presence, empathy, care, and concern in all corners of the online class at the times students need it most. Instructor presence is a means for enhancing active learning; active learning assessments can be crafted to involve instructor communication at strategic times to engage the learners in (1) understanding clear expectations for assignments, (2) using supplemental resources to assist in completing assignments, (3) reading or watching short reminders on how to craft original, high quality work, and (4) receiving content-related messages that are tied directly to assignments and reach the learner just-in-time as they are drafting submissions. In these ways, instructor presence can be strategically planned within each assessment, and it can be spontaneously and periodically integrated before and after the assignments are due. These approaches show students their instructors are right by their sides, each step of the way. Join this session to learn how!


Anthena Kennedy

Director of Online Program Launch, Purdue Online

Dr. Athena Kennedy earned a B.A. in Communication and a B.A. in Spanish, an M.A. in Communication, and a Ph.D. in Higher Education Administration with an online education administration focus from the University of Wyoming. Dr. Kennedy currently serves as the Online Program Launch Director for Purdue University Online. She has also served as an online instructor, manager of instructional design, instructional technologist, researcher, and student services professional in higher education for nearly two decades at universities including Purdue University, Arizona State University, the University of Wyoming, California State University San Bernardino – Palm Desert Campus, and Colorado State University Online – Fort Collins. She has taught college courses in content management, technical writing and digital media, communication, marketing, instructional design and higher education, GRE test preparation, the first-year experience for college students, and indoor cycling. Additionally, Dr. Kennedy has corporate sales experience at Pfizer Pharmaceuticals and United Chemicals of Belgium (UCB). Her passion can be seen through her work in creating engaging online education using high quality instructional design that employs the latest advances in technology. She values demonstrating instructor presence in online teaching, as well as conducting online education research.