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Tag: Engagement

Course Stories, Season 2, Episode #7:  Slow It Down: Sustainable Food Practices Through Project-Based Learning
Course Design, Course Stories Podcast, Faculty, Faculty and Instructional Design Relationships, Interviews, Learning design, Podcast, Uncategorized

Course Stories, Season 2, Episode #7: Slow It Down: Sustainable Food Practices Through Project-Based Learning

In this episode, we come together to enjoy great food and engage in even better conversation about the Mediterranean lifestyle. ITA 350 explores local food cultures in Italy and challenges students to examine their relationship…

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Course Stories, Season 2, Episode #6: Using Human-Centered Design to Put Students First – HSC 355: Nutrition for Lifelong Health
Course Design, Course Stories Podcast, Designing for Scale, Engagement, Facilitation, Faculty, Faculty and Instructional Design Relationships, Learning design, Podcast, Quality Matters, Theory and Practice of Teaching, Uncategorized, Universal Design for Learning

Course Stories, Season 2, Episode #6: Using Human-Centered Design to Put Students First – HSC 355: Nutrition for Lifelong Health

Course Stories, Season 2, Episode #6: Using Human-Centered Design to Put Students First – HSC 355: Nutrition for Lifelong Health In this episode of Course Stories, Christina Scribner, Nutrition Practitioner and College of Health Solutions…

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Course Stories, Season 2, Episode #3: Seeing What Sticks: Iterative and Intentional Changes – EXW217 Fitness and Flexibility
Course Design, Course Stories Podcast, Engagement, Facilitation, Faculty, Faculty and Instructional Design Relationships, Faculty showcase, Learning design, Podcast, Theory and Practice of Teaching, Uncategorized, Universal Design for Learning

Course Stories, Season 2, Episode #3: Seeing What Sticks: Iterative and Intentional Changes – EXW217 Fitness and Flexibility

In this episode of Course Stories, Dr. Alicia Montalvo,  College of Health Solutions Lecturer, and Tamara Mitchell, Instructional Designer, discuss how to use frameworks and best practices for innovative and iterative course design. 

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