Rubric Generator Access

To get started, please use the following link to access the rubric generator.


The tool generates content using the prompt below. Bold phrases are replaced by the user responses to generate unique content. If you’d like to use this prompt for your own tool or process we recommend modifying the examples to produce your desired results.

Create only a rubric with “number of criteria” criteria options and “number of ratings” ratings choices worth a total of “total points” points. No additional instructions or directions should be included. Rubric criteria do not need to be weighted equally. Include the maximum point value for each criteria in the criteria column. The criteria should be distinct, clear and meaningful. For each rating include its associated point value. The point value for each rating does not need to align across all the criteria. The rating descriptors should describe differences in performance that are observable and measurable.  The rating descriptors should clearly articulate what the expectations are for each performance level for a given rating and represent meaningful differences in performance across the criteria.  Use the following assignment content to generate the rubric: “assignment content“. When building the rubric make a single table with the criteria on the left most side of the table. Ratings should go from left to right, highest points to lowest points.

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